Promotional set of posts

The new campaign concept is based on unifying the colour backgrounds of the posts. Only two autumnal shades of wall colour are used. The full range of frame colours is presented.

The colour unification helps the connections in the audience’s memory trace. It is also possible to use images in carousel format.

Posts 1080 x 1080px

Posts 1080 x 1920px

Creatives for A/B testing

To compare campaign performance, a creative is created to test the hypothesis “Less (text) is more!” Version “B” does not include the headline and logo. The image and the label “Create image” are enlarged. The “B” version is created for square composition only.

Animated posts

Animated posts are ready for A/B testing. The differences of A/B creatives are identical to the differences of static posts.

Version A2 (changes to frame styles and colours)
Version B2 (changes to styles and frame colours, accelerated)
Version A (with title and logo)
Version B (without title and logo)
Long animation version
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