Produktový mockup
Aranžovaná produktová fotografia misky je vytvorená v prostredí ilustrujúce bežné použitie. Miska je umiestnená na podlahe. Svietenie imituje svetlo prichádzajúce cez členené vidiecke okno. Na miske sa zobrazuje obsah polovice grafiky celého obvodu misky. Pre zobrazenie celej grafiky je teda potrebné použiť minimálne dve fotografie. Rovnaký mockup s potlačou so psíkom s kratším menom. Zobrazenie […]
Miska pre psíka
Správne servírovanie podporuje chuť, trávenie a schopnosť vyťažiť maximum nutrientov. Určite to platí aj pre psíkov. Misku pre psíka môžete personalizovať fotkou Vášho psíka, menom a prianím k jedlu. Okrem toho misku zdobí podpis Dog Moments Art – spoločností, ktorá otvára psíkom dvere do sveta ľudí. Tvary Variácie použitých fotiek
Christmas spot
For Dog Moments Art we created a low-budget Christmas commercial. The story of the commercial tells the story of how dogs can bring people together and foster human togetherness. Through several scenes, we created a story that will warm the audience’s heart and remind them of the true value of Christmas. We are glad to […]
Christmas Campaign “Picture on Canvas”
Campaign created by combining the creation of scenes and images in scenes using AI and then post-production processing using Adobe Photoshop to create mockups for social media advertorials. Christmas Campaign reaches out to families and couples for a simple and artistically interesting way to remember their memories together in the form of a painting […]
Christmas puzzle campaign
The puzzle has enough pieces to get the whole family involved. The Christmas holidays also offer a time and opportunity for gatherings and time spent together. Granddaughter and grandmother The relationship with grandparents and the relationship with the pet are very strong for children. The puzzle from Dog Moments strengthens these bonds and connects them […]
Pendant with dog
The product design for the new product in the Dog Moments Art portfolio allows the transformation of a photograph of a dog into an artistic stylization, just as with the other products. In this case, the image is a transformed monochrome drawing complemented by a background motif and the dog’s name. In the designs of […]
Warm blanket with a portrait of your pet
Warm up with a blanket or snuggle up to your four-legged friend? A new product from may be the answer to that question. The blanket with your pet’s portrait will warm you up both body and soul. The motif of the blanket is composed of ornaments that form the edge of the blanket. The […]
Fixing the image (video tutorial)
The video presents the assembly steps in detail within a minute. Assembly is simple. The customer can do it without drilling and difficult aiming.
Summer product promo
Preparation of a seasonal set of main product images for the “hero section” of
Product sticker
Simple sticker for basic branding of product packaging