Company name and website address
Company name: Valta Engineering | Website address: | Logo: shooter icon
Text ads
Ad headlines
The name of the company will always be fixed in the first position of the initial set of ads. In the second position, the name of the individual services or the slogan “Ready to create” will be displayed variably.
text A: Vertrauen Sie uns Ihre Produktentwicklung an. Wir erstellen für Sie ein innovatives Design.
text B: Unser Team aus DE und SK unterstützt die Produktentwicklung für internationale Unternehmen.
Links to key parts of the site
According to Google’s platform algorithm, the ads will also display links to key parts of the site.
List of services
Google’s platform algorithm will also display service names in ads.
DE mutation
SK mutation
The design of the text ad for the SK version also includes an incentive offer for a free initial consultation. The same information can also be used for the German version.